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Wednesday, December 18, 2024 83° Today's Paper

Island Voices


Column: Maui residents must lead rebuilding

On Aug. 8, 2023, our world stopped. One of the last remnants of the Hawaiian kingdom burned to the ground, stealing more than 100 precious lives, neighborhoods and centuries of cultural treasures. Read more

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Column: Proposed act accelerates clean energy

Climate scientists say we must significantly reduce greenhouse gases if we are to leave a livable planet for future generations. Otherwise, it will become increasingly inhospitable to life. Read more

Column: Kill dangerous nonprofit-targeting bill

Who did Hawaii’s U.S. Rep. Ed Case represent when he voted — twice in two weeks — in favor of H.R. 9495, the Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act? It is already against the law for nonprofit organizations to aid terrorism, so a new law wasn’t necessary. Read more

Column: DHHL must use internet grant wisely

Good news recently about funds for extending high speed broadband internet access on Department of Hawaiian Home Lands sites (“DHHL getting over $72M to boost internet connectivity,” Star-Advertiser, Nov. 13). Read more

Column: Hawaii schools must grow good leaders

Many years ago, when I was learning to be a teacher in a Hawaiian homestead community, I stumbled on a strategy that gave every child an opportunity to be a leader. It became a foundational element of our class community. Read more

Column: Develop geothermal, not fossil fuels

These are tough times. We must work harder than ever to prepare Hawaii to face the future with confidence and to thrive. We must stay true to our commitments to make life better for our communities across the islands. Read more

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