Cars move at a crawl in H-1 freeway traffic on Sept. 27.
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A recent article claiming Hawaii’s motorists are the worst in America is only partly correct. I have lived in a number of major cities in the U.S., as well as Japan. My own observations agree we have the worst drivers, but we also have the best.
Driving with aloha is alive and well in Hawaii and rarely seen in mainland urban areas. The article focused on speeding and driving-impaired statistics, with the primary causes being overcrowding and mainlanders bringing their bad habits to our islands.
I believe differently: It is a matter of law enforcement. I believe that aggressive enforcement of all safety related traffic laws, particularly in the city, would go a long way in solving our bad driving habits.
Education is not the answer to changing bad driving, but “pain therapy” could be.
Paul Schultz
Aina Haina
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